Sunday, 26 June 2016

26th June 2016

Hello darl. It's been a few days since I happy happy. Today many bad stuff happened to me. For example, I got lost when trying to find Target, and also I missed many buses. But since these days we happy happy skyped, I actually feel to sadness nor anger. All I did was laugh normally and told myself better up next time, just like what I would do if you are next to me.

So then... We discussed about vaping today... You did get me right at non-containing nicotine vape. But... how are you going to try? Is there any girl friends that you know vapes? Do you accept vape by other guys? :/ I'm not very happy when that happens... Other thing is... I told you that if you do, I'll do as well. And if mine contains nicotine.... I might die darl. Also... Like I said... What if our children see? I don't want our family to be the smokey smokey type actually. Later they start to some cigaratte and waste money on those.... I really don't want our children to be like that darl.. :( Like my whole father side lineage, none of them smokes (even drinks). I just feel not happy to break that trend.... Not to mention that you REALLY DON'T suit doing these kind of things. It's really.... frustrating in a way for me to see you do such thing. I know is harmless... but it's really... not cool. Imagine I'm doing something harmless to my body, but the action itself is not cool... What would you feel?

You always say me that if you get the opportunity, then you get, eventhough I against. I don't get it darl.... Why? Why can't you just don't do it for me. Done. I always do that you know? What ever you don't like me doing, I always change without you telling me to. Do you feel is right to actually do something that I don't like you doing? Does it really not affect you? Let's say if I have a trip to Mexico and you tell me you are not happy with it because it is dangerous, I'll definitely decline the trip. Why? Is it love? Well, it's because when I know I'm doing something that the people I love not happy me doing, I would not enjoy it at all. It just hurts for me to continue doing something that would not make my people happy, eventhough I have the permission to. Even if you allow me to go for a dangerous trip, I'll decline the trip until you feel relaxed and happy about it. If you are not going to be happy, then I'll just drop the case. It's easy for me to sacrifice any thing for you. What about you? I don't doubt you or anything. I just feel so...indifferent? I really don't get why you would continue doing something even though I told you I'm not happy about it. I know you like to try new stuff... But... Is it worth my sadness? In this matter, even if I allow, I'll always be not happy inside, no matter how much you debate or discuss with me. These kind of thing is a COMPLETE FULLS STOP. Please darl... I know it doesn't harm you, but IT CAN harm me and my future dreams, as well as the view I have on you....

Well... In relationship, you should understand that sometimes you have to drop some of your bucketlist stuff and dreams for your lover in order to have a stable relationship ESPECIALLY long distance. If I'm next to you,  the chances of allowing you to vape is actually higher because I'm there with you. So darl... in the end is your choice... I'm not sure I'm being childish or what... It's just what I really wanna say you know? One thing, if you ever do and put it as a secret for yourself, I'll really hate you for that. We are together as one, if you dare to put something to separate that 'one' I'll really.... will be very disappointed in you. I trust that you don't put any secrets between us oke? And your choice to vape is depending on yourself, but please don't always expect me to go your way. I'll always follow your decision, but in these kind of matter, no.

Love you.