Thursday, 23 October 2014

Etude for Change

So,even if I have to win a girl... I ought to review my mistake...

Previously in the previous blog I was wayyyyyyy wayyyyyyy wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over friend-zone. The zone where no mortal and immortals can escape from. I have thought of some way for the last few months, thinking about my mistakes and what should I do the next time i try to get someone.

1) Texting way

Do not text with a girl with extremely long sentence. It's like... you are making them easily lost interest in you.When you write long sentences, you are making them bored of reading.

Keep your messages simple and short. You may have some thing that you want to say out and let her know some clues that you like her, but trust me, letting out clues is not a good beginning. Don't assume she wants any clues from you. So just text normally with her, treat her like a friend.

2) Time interval between each text.

See a girl you want to hook? You got her number? LET'S CELEBRATE!!! You just passed the very beginning level.

How many times should you text a girl within a period of time? Everyday? Cause you want to think that you care about her? Don't want her to feel lonely? Don't worry, most of every amateurs think like that.

If you have been starting a text with that one person for almost every single day now, STOP IT! (Unless she starts it, or emergency) 

Think about it, someone messages you everyday? What a pain in the ass right? So, what I suggest is that, I think we shouldn't message a girl too often. Perhaps if possible, twice or 3 times a week? When she's busy, don't bother continuing the text, say goodbye.

The more you text her, the faster she gets bored of you. She'll one day ignore your message and you'll wonder why. When she doesn't reply you back, just don't ask her why. Stop texting with her and if you are VERY lucky, she'll find you back.... one day.

3) Keep your secrets

Make yourslef mysterious don't tell every single of your story and histories to her. If you do so, then you are just like a spoiler, spoiling yourself. You are just like a book, you have your own stories. You want that person to buy you and read you. You can advertise yourself buy having a very mysterious background. And if the person want to know, they have to buy and read you.

But buying you doesn't mean you can let all the main points out at once. You don't write the whole entire plot in the first chapter. Let her know about you slowly. Always have something that you don't tell her always remain mysterious. And that thing you didn't tell her, will be on your next book. She has to buy that second book, to know your story.

That's all for now, realize your mistakes and fix them. You don't wanna be like me.

Etude for Change