Tuesday, 11 February 2014

-Impromptu Choices-

Okay, lets remember. 

At after-story, she told me, 'you didn't give me enough choices at start..the 2 choices are to forcing' 

'Okay, I may be wrong.' That's what i thought. But... HELLO?! It's like by that time we're already at a very difficult situation, how you want me make lots of choices?! If they are really forceful, why the hell didn't you tell me at start?! I tried my best already alright? But you didn't comment anything about it except 'it's too hard', which leads me to find another way. But why didn't you say it SOONER??

I made 3 in the end, what about you? I asked you to make up some choices too! You didn't make up anything that benefits the 3 of us. Remember the 3rd choice I made? THAT IS THE BEST OF ALL MOTHER OF BEST. Who says that he'll end up as the 'pembuangan' ? Why would you think about the WORST only?! THERE ARE EFFING WAYS THAT HE WON'T END UP LIKE THAT.

Wondering why I didn't talk to you at all for all this time? Hell yea now you gonna know. I was TESTING your friendship towards me. There's no word from you when we didn't talk for long time. You don't bother anything between us. If I were your truly close friend, shouldn't you ask me things? Now it's like we're not even close, my anger builds up rapidly when i thought I AM your close friend.Too scared talking to me? What is that suppose to mean? You scared talking to someone you know and likes you? You don't bother anything do you? If you have anything to say, THEN SAY IT OUT? What the hell ya waiting for?  


Makes me wonder.

Did you assume that i hate you? And therefore you hate me back? Therefore didn't talk to me? If yes, I'll put an end to the test and fully hate you.No problem, I can, cause i can trigger myself to hate you anytime. You said it back then, 'try think bad about me, so you can stop liking me' OW HELL YEA SURE? WHY NOT?

Actually from the start... I didn't trust you much about bringing me happiness... I knew this gonna happen to me in the end. 


The words written above were supposed to be posted at the day 11/02/2014. But as I typing now, it's 20/4/2014. 2 months after.