Talking to him? Face to face? There no need to. By checking how he dressed, expression and so on can help me quite a lot.
At first what i know that, he's a 'modern' type of person. My modern means... like the people these days...teenage these days. The one that usually takes selfies and etc. From his appearance i could tell that i won't be able to win against this guy. Doesn't seem to be a bad guy. Alright, i guess i have to back out..
And then, after i ask one of my friend about him, he is...... okay let's say.... i've been beaten by what i call 'night outing' person. I don't have to say anything extra since the idea is already there.
....Okay.... an old friend was beaten by such person whom she met 1 month only.
As soon I know shits, I left her alone. It's really unconformable to go near a girl that's already with someone. Really, especially outing with someone like that. Not only that, i really get pissed off when i know things like this is just happened. I though i chose someone who's...'great' ,i though i chose someone that isn't like 'that', i thought i chose correctly, i thought....
Forget what i thought, it's stupid to remember the past mistakes.